Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Break in the Clouds

Well, despite all my anxiety and depression, it has been a pretty good week. Last Tuesday I received a letter of eligibility to begin looking for teaching jobs in Colorado schools. While there aren't exactly a ton of openings in October, I have until January to find a job and gain entry into the Teacher in Residence Program. Then we had our church retreat and it was a really good time. At the end of the retreat, Cole and I were invited to go to the Broncos/Patriots game with a new friend from our church. We had such a great time and I will always cherish the opportunity to go to my first pro football game with my son. The look on his face throughout the game was priceless. Then today I had a meeting/interview and was added to the substitute teacher at a local charter school. So I am getting into the process and figuring out how to go for the jobs that are available. And that is a really good first step. I have miles to go before I am healthy and back on my feet but at least I am making some progress.


Tom in HD said...

Subject: Affirmations are not all bad

Here is a link to a video. It is NOT intended to be an endorsement for the book, The Secret, but it IS a wholehearted endorsement for the concept of building an Internal Bank Account of Personal Value! :-) It costs nothing and will cause no side effects, promise. As they say, it is also more about a journey than a destination. Enjoy. I find watching it helps me to start the day with a more positive outlook.


Tom in HD said...

Dear Joe,

From what I can tell from your blog, you've experienced a roller coaster of feelings this year, ranging from the low of being very depressed to the high of being generally optimistic. That you haven't really plateaued at the high end causes me to think that you're still vulnerable to a mood swing should your job prospects get worse before they get better (which is a very real possibility in the current economic climate) or if life deals you a bad hand in some other way in the future. That is, I don't get the impression that you're equipped yet with the tools to deal with acute episodes of anxiety and depression, let alone prevent them. I think there are really smart people out there who have studied the etiology of anxiety and depression in great detail and have devised very helpful ways of curbing these symptoms and dealing with their underlying causes. You've been to some therapists, which is a courageous start, but it seems that the problem still persists; all therapists aren't created equal, so that is understandable. I encourage you to keep searching. I firmly believe the answers for you are out there. So while you're feeling better right now, I think it would be as good a time as any to complete my list of recommendations for "bibliotherapy". I would encourage you to be proactive now so that you can better prepare yourself mentally to deal with adverse circumstances and ultimately become transformed into what Abraham Maslow termed a "self-actualized" person, or "Joe to his fullest potential". I realize you don't know me from Adam, and so I feel like I'm stalking your blog. So after I say my piece here, I'll fade into the shadows again and peek in from time-to-time, hoping to hear the best from you. You can do it!



2009 has been my transformation year--from anxiety-ridden procrastinator to self-confident producer.

My Book Club Recommendations

On understanding anxiety and depression
When Panic Attacks: http://amzn.com/076792083X

On overcoming procrastination
The Now Habit: http://amzn.com/1585425524

On maintaining positive interpersonal relationships
Feeling Good Together: http://amzn.com/0767920708
